Monday, December 13, 2010

UCC Launches Vision Logbook with Top Leadership Experts

It’s not only on New Year’s Day when we’re jotting down our resolutions that we need to think about change. Any time of year is, of course, a good time to start trying to bring about change.  “People can both desire and fear change,” says motivational speaker Francis Kong. “What we need to do is to learn how to let go of our fear of change.” Kong adds, “If we want to consciously bring about change for the good, then that change has to be envisioned and planned.”  “Change is not that hard to achieve,” says personal finance expert Randell Tiongson. “It’s really just a matter of adapting a system that works for you. We could be looking to accomplish personal, financial, professional, or social change. Keep in mind that change can be a positive force and that we need to actively take steps to make things happen.”
Entrepreneur and visionary Hubert Young thought it was the right time for a vision logbook that can help people bring about change. Young, owner of the UCC Coffee concept shops in the Philippines, decided to bring together the beacons of change to help him create that vision logbook. The beacons of change are some of the country’s top business coaches. These beacons are experts in their respective fields and are all well-versed when it comes to planning for change. The beacons of change who contributed to the vision logbook include Tiongson, Kong, and mind mapping expert Raju Mandhyan. Additionally, Let’s Go Foundation, a foundation aimed at poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship education, contributed the Entrepreneurship Workbook for Change module. 
Building on the theme “Positive Change and Planning for Change,” the UCC Vision Logbook aims to deliver to loyal UCC customers a blend of motivational and practical information to keep on top of people's minds ways to bring about positive change  throughout the year. “This vision isn't just a vision logbook,” says Young. “It is something useful for individuals who want to see change in themselves and in their social environment. It is innovative and relevant.”
UCC Coffee Concept Store recently launched the elegant UCC Vision Logbook at the UCC Cafe Terrace, 26th St. Forbestown Center, Taguig City. The beacons of change who put the vision logbook together--Young, Kong, Tiongson, Mandyhan, and Let's Go Foundation's Prof. Francisco “Jay” M. Bernardo, III--were all in attendance.
The basic vision logbook includes 2011 and 2012 calendars and contains various useful modules such as a travel vision logbook, conversion tables, notes, and Francis Kong stories, tips, and quotations. This can be claimed after a UCC customer accumulates P 5,000 in UCC Coffee Concept Store receipts. More promotional coupons for free dishes or drinks are inside the logbook. 

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